Women In Design #WikiD Writing Workshop – CANCELLED
Date: April 8, 2018 1:00 pm
Cost: Free
Category: Education, Wiki, Women
Organizer: AWA+D
Woodbury University Lobrary
7500 Glenoaks Blvd
Burbank, CA 91510
Due to a Woodbury Library conflict, this month’s WikiD workshop is cancelled. Although this workshop is cancelled, we will schedule a make-up workshop this summer. In the meantime, if you don’t already have a Wikipedia username and password, please set this up before coming to the next workshop and check out AWA+D’s Guide to Wikipedia Writing.
See you at the next workshop!
Join AWA+D and Woodbury at this unique writing workshop, part of a global campaign for improving and increasing Wikipedia articles pertaining to the lives and works of women in architecture and the built environment.
Learn the Basics
No previous experience needed! We will introduce you to the Wikipedia community and the general editor interface. You will be guided through a step-by-step demonstration on how to write and edit Wikipedia entries. Attendees will have the opportunity to begin basic research and preliminary entry writing, with full access to Woodbury University Library’s collection of research databases. There is no obligation to complete an entry the day of the workshop, come and learn at your own pace. The #wikiD movement is powered by the efforts of several different roles, each requiring various interests and skillsets. Discover the role that fits you best!
What to Bring
Create a Wikipedia account BEFORE the workshop here. Bring your laptop, power cord, and published information (bio, books, articles, etc.) about women whom you would like to write about.
Can’t make it but want to stay informed?
Sign up with archivist@awaplusd.org for the AWA+D +Wiki = #wikiD mailing list, the place for updates, details, future writing workshops and #wikiD news.
For more immediate information, visit our AWA+D Archives/WikiD page