You can catch past AWA+D events on Youtube - click here to check out our channel!
Organizations that we have relationships with include:
ACE Mentor Program
Arch Does Matter
Architectural Record Women in Architecture Awards
Architecture + Women NZ
Architecture Lobby
Beverly Willis Architecutre Foundation
Boston Society of Architects Women in Design
Bridging the Gulf: Women Architects in the UAE
Chicago Women in Architecture
Damsels in Design
Design for Equality
Diversecity Women in Architecture Equity by Design [EQxD]
Iowa Women in Architecture
Matrices: 2nd Congress on Architecture and Gender
Organization of Women Architects and Design Professionals
The Guardian Women in Leadership
Women Design Arizona
Women in Architecture Northern Virgina
Women in Architecture NYC
Women in Architecture Philadelphia
Women in Architecture SLC
Women in Architecture Vancouver
Women in Architecture/Urban Planning Meetup
Women in Design AIA Seattle
Women in Design Boston
Women in Design Kansas City
Women's Creativity Since the Modern Movement