Writing for Visual Thinkers Event

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Writing for Visual Thinkers Event

September 25, 2016

Cost: Free for Members


Provided upon RSVP
Los Feliz

When you have to write a report, does your stomach get tied up in knots?  When you have to describe your ideas in words, do you run screaming from the room? There’s no need for that!!  Writing is thinking and you do that quite well, right?

Join us for this special MEMBERS ONLY event where we’ll demystify writing and make it an enjoyable experience.

2:00 – 4:00pm

Intentionally kept to a limited number of 15 to ensure a hands-on experience, we’ll meet at a private home in Los Feliz. The address will be provided upon RSVP to awinderman@gmail.com. First come, first serve!

Notebooks will be provided, but laptops, tablets, etc. are welcome.