COCKTAILS + Construction BIM (Part III)

COCKTAILS + Construction BIM (Part III)

August 19, 2015 7:00 pm

Venue: TBD

The last of the BIM Series, Part Three will focus on construction BIM, where the process of design documentation and building construction become integrated. Join us for a fireside chat between a construction BIM coordinator and an architect about the BIM process that occurs on the construction site, including the benefits of sharing models, lessons learned (or lessons we wish we would learn from each other), and the potential partnerships that can develop when construction and design teams choose to focus on the same goals.

Led by an AWA+D member and BIM expert!  If you are feeling adventurous, bring a laptop or an ipad so that you can play with some of these cloud based tools yourself.

*If you missed part 1 and 2 you will still be able to attend and enjoy this event!

Cocktails + light refreshments provided.

FREE for members / $25 for non-members

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