AWA+D Salon
September 24, 2013 7:00 pm
Topic: Learning to Thrive as an Architect/Designer in the NEW Post-Recession Paradigm
How can we survive and THRIVE in this new environment? What tools do we need? What skills should we develop?
In August we shared experiences, getting a sense of our perspectives on what the environment for architecture is, and what clients are looking for. We learned it’s just as important to know what work to turn away as it is to know what work to go after.
In September we’d like to have a more focused discussion. Some topics to consider are:
How can technology be used to the advantage of both the architecture and the bottom line?
What are other tools people are using that appear useful?
What are areas of practice and skill to consider to focus and grow?
We hope to share our wisdom, but may not have many answers. Please join us to share your own struggles, lessons and insights.
RSVP by Monday, September 23 to Stephanie Reich.
Refreshments provided – bring a beverage or small snack if you wish!