AWA+D Salon

AWA+D Salon

January 15, 2013 7:00 pm

Home of Stephanie Reich

In November/December, we had a lively discussion about the many facets of pro bono work (including unpaid internships), the idea of architecture as a civil right, and the possibilities of doing meaningful public work.

For our first meeting in 2013, we’ll continue with the broad topic of “The Future of Architecture” by talking about the role of the architect. Aspects we’ll consider include:

What is the existing role of the architect in the process and what should it be?
How has the architect’s role diminished, and how can we expand or re-imagine that role?
How can we rebuild the reputation of the architect as a leader of the process and primary owner’s representative?

Please RSVP by Monday January 14, 2012 to Stephanie Reich.

Refreshments provided – bring a beverage or small snack if you wish.