Staying Inspired: Art’s Role in Creativity and Design

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“There is no better way to flex that creativity muscle than to do art, be exposed to art, and to think about art.” - Augustín Fuentes, The Creative Spark: How Imagination Made Humans Exceptional

The act of creating and making art is paramount to a creative lifestyle, whether through drawing, photography, painting, or sculpture. For many architects and design professionals, taking a step back from work on the computer can allow for detailed observation of place, light, and material. This helps us bring a breath of fresh air filled with new perspectives when we sit back down at our desks, and really does keep the ‘creativity muscle’ in shape. Further, the ability to create for pleasure in one’s free time is liberating in that there are no expectations or deadlines to meet - you simply just create whatever is at your fingertips in that moment without restraint. The immediacy of seeing the result of any craft while working with your hands is an immensely fulfilling experience and that encourages us to keep exploring through making.  Elizabeth Gilbert says it well in her book, Big Magic: “Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”

In addition to creation, we also gain inspiration from exposing ourselves to the artistries and creative expertise of others. That is why we are looking forward to our Annual Meeting on September 10th at Judson Studios, where we will be getting a tour of America’s oldest family-run stained glass studio which was also originally the USC School of Fine Arts and Architecture (from 1897-1920, see the 2 historic images in our below graphic). Examples of their work can be found throughout Los Angeles, including at the Hollyhock House, the rotunda above the Natural History Museum, and multiple churches around Pasadena. We look forward to understanding the creative process behind these beautiful stained glass pieces, while we as an organization reflect on the past year and make plans for the next.

Please join us, as it should be an enriching and inspiring event for all!

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