Community Engagement: Girl Scout Product Design Event

While many of AWA+D members were attending the Women’s March on Saturday, January 20th, about a dozen of us chose to show our support by participating in fun and educational Girl Scouts event, hosted by TOTO USA in its West Hollywood showroom.To assist in fulfilling the requirements for the Girls Scouts’ new Product Design badge, we coached forty 10- and 11-year-olds as they “re-invented” several everyday products: a toothbrush organizer, a water toy, a faucet, an air freshener, or a soap dish. These were intended to be used by a child that is either hospital-bound, on a camping trip, or who is experiencing limited physical capabilities. Our AWA+D team leaders (Angela Ardila Coutts, Wendy Lee, Kimberly Marte, Mia Gamble, Jini Keasling, Francesca Carne, Carole Aizenstark, Jessica Arana, Laura Lee, Danielle De Young, Sounia Gmira, and Laura Lee) each worked with a team of five Girl Scouts through the design process. Enthusiasm, resourcefulness, and creativity abounded as the girls improved on the form and function of these ordinary items. Our working session culminated in a product presentation by each team, and we were hard-pressed to select the best! It is clear that the future of Product Design is in good hands—both large and small.

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