Getting to know Shimahara Visual


Imagine the working woman in the 1960s. Mad Men is one of the first television shows to come to mind that gave us a dramatized glimpse into what work culture was like for women in the 60s to how we’ve progressed today. Spoiler alert: we saw Peggy Olson start from a secretarial position to ultimately leading presentations for a top client - a job reserved for the head honcho. As we see a fictitious character transform on television, the world’s leaders were transforming during this time as well. In the 1960s, we saw the first women leaders in executive offices in South Asia and the Middle East. By the 2010s, we had seen over fifty countries commit to executive female leadership all over the world. Most recently being America’s first Vice President, Kamala Harris, sworn into office in January. In many cases, we see progressive change as time goes on; whether it’s political office or private companies. To spotlight this month’s AWA+D sponsor, we would like to thank Shimahara Visual in their commitment to including women leadership in their firm. Shimahara Visual is based in Santa Monica that specializes in film, illustration, VR and branding.
