Commemorative Tree Planting at Washington University in St. Louis
To celebrate our Centennial anniversary, an oak tree has been planted on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis where the seeds of our association were first sown.
A ceremony was held on the morning of April 28th, 2022 on the campus of the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts. Our own Meg Coffee, past AWA+D President and current Parliamentarian, presided over the events and said a few words to commemorate the occasion. Other speakers included Heather Woofter, Director of the College of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design and Emily Rupright, Co-President of the student chapter of Women in Architecture + Design.
The intimate group who gathered also included Carmon Colangelo, Dean of Sam Fox School, Constance Vale, Assistant Professor & Chair, Undergraduate Architecture and several other students.
Focal Pointe Outdoor Solutions generously donated the sapling which is a unique species of hybrid oak. Located between William K. Bixby Hall and Earl E. and Myrtle E. Walker Hall, the tree is adorned with a bronze commemorative plaque, pictured below.
We would like to thank Washington University at St Louis — especially Chris Anderson, Grounds Manager/Horticulturist — for their generous donation of the plaque base and mounting.
In 1915 four female architectural students at Washington University In St. Louis — Mae Steinmesch, Helen Milius, Angela Burdeau and Jane Pelton — were denied entry into the men’s architectural fraternity. In response, the women organized their own society, La Confrerie Alongine. Upon learning that there were female architectural students at other Universities, the women organized and in 1922 the national student organization Alpha Alpha Gamma was formed. Both momentous years appear on the plaque.
Why Plant An Oak Tree?
When our 100th Planning Committee was coming up with the theme for our anniversary — ‘100 Years: Celebrate the past, Envision the future’ — our own resilience was a major source of inspiration. Oak trees are also quite resilient; when “spaced 10 feet apart, [they] will interlock their roots, forming a grove, each better anchored than it would be standing alone.” [Roach, Margaret 2021 “Why You Should Plant Oaks,” New York Times] For 100 years we have stood stronger because we have stood together, enabling us to thrive independently and as a collective group.
Additionally, “Oaks support more life-forms than any other North American tree genus, providing food, protection or both for birds to bears, as well as countless insects and spiders, among the enormous diversity of species.” [Roach] As architects, our work supports our communities and the people who inhabit them. We are invested in their futures and we are committed to providing, protecting and supporting them.
We are grateful to Washington University in St. Louis for letting us honor our roots in this way. If you find yourself in the area, we hope that you will visit the campus and pause for a moment to admire this beautiful symbol of AWA+D’s rich history.
AWA+D would like to thank our sponsors and the following people and organizations who played a key role in making this happen:
Washington University at St Louis — Chris Anderson, Grounds Manager/Horticulturist
Focal Pointe Outdoor Solutions, Inc.
Meg Coffee
AWA+D’s 100th Planning Committee